The Photo shows the Standard Size Arrangement - $70
Make every occasion a special one with our vibrant and elegant bouquet of bright pink Gerberas, blush pink premium roses, and delicate blush pink asiatic lilies. This stunning arrangement is hand-crafted with care, using only the freshest and most beautiful flowers to bring a touch of luxury to any event or celebration. Perfect for all occasions, whether it’s a birthday, anniversary, or simply to express your appreciation, our bouquet is guaranteed to make a lasting impression. The bold and striking shades of pink are sure to evoke feelings of joy and happiness in those who receive it. Each stem is carefully hand-selected and arranged to create a harmonious display of beauty and grace. The vibrant pink Gerberas add a touch of playfulness, while the delicate premium roses add a touch of romance. The addition of the gentle asiatic lilies brings a sense of tranquility and serenity to the bouquet, creating a well-balanced and visually stunning arrangement. Not only is our bouquet visually striking, but it also carries a subtle yet sweet fragrance that will fill any room with a delightful and refreshing scent. With its combination of bold and delicate flowers, our bouquet is the perfect embodiment of strength and beauty. Show your loved ones how much they mean to you with this beautiful and thoughtful gift. Order now and let our bouquet of bright pink Gerberas, blush pink premium roses, and blush pink asiatic lilies convey your sentiments in the most enchanting way. Make any occasion a special one with this captivating and luxurious bouquet.